PHOTO by  Alex Webb (left to right): Danielle Delgado,( Tony Naumovski , Kerry Milliron, and Adam Boncz in GF&CO Production of O.REX


Re-Envisioning The Creative Process  One Thought & One Action at a Time 

Founded in 2011

C e l e b r a t i n g    1 0   Y e a r s   i n    2 0 2 1

Mission Statement:

GF&CO (Gia Forakis & Company) is a Brooklyn, NY-based, not-for-profit theater and studio--lab and collective of professional theater artists dedicated to the application of the  One-Thought-One-Action (OTOA)performance technique.  Founded in 2011, by Artistic Director, Gia Forakis,  GF&CO is built upon the premise that the arts are where we encounter our humanity, nurture our civility, and fortify our connection to one another. Through the support of producing partners, patrons, and creative institutions, our Mission is to develop and create theatrical performance projects and art events that remind us to foster something larger than our quotidian sense of self. 

What is One-Thought-One-Action (OTOA)?

One-Thought-One-Action (OTOA) is the study and practice of identifying smaller increments of thought as smaller moments of physical action. Founded in 2004 by Master Teacher, Gia Forakis, OTOA is currently taught in two applications: first, as a practical performance and directing technique referred to as OTOA Performance Technique & Training (PTT)™ that benefits performers, directors, collaborators, theater makers, public speakers, et.al.; second, as a practical tool for personal and professional growth referred to as OTOA Creative Life Practice (CLP)™, which is open to anyone in every discipline, and in any field.

OTOA is the sister enterprise to GF&CO,  offering classes, workshops, seminars, private coaching, and studio labs that are open to the public, as well as OTOA training sessions, residencies, project development, and devised collective collaborations with GF&CO Member-Actors. Click here for the OTOA Workshop Schedule 

GF&CO Artistic Director

OTOA Founder & Master Teacher

Gia Forakis